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Million on Treatment

A Word from the new Executive Director

As the incoming Executive Director of the National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Networks Uganda (NAFOPHANU), i wish to welcome you to this our website, where we share, and listen to you for the greater good of People Living with HIV (PLHIV), their families and stakeholders in Uganda.
I am committed to strengthening the organization mission to empower People Living with HIV (PLHIV) to lead quality and productive lives. My vision for NAFOPHANU is to have a well coordinated, robust, and inclusive structure of People Living with HIV Movement in Uganda as well as having People Living with HIV and the Most Vulnerable at Risk at the Centre of the HIV response towards ending AIDS by 2030.

To achieve this vision, we will and must address several immediate needs, including an institutional and constitutional review: the strategic plan review for 2025-2029, and managing the changing priorities of donors and the political context in Uganda. Additionally, we must mitigate the impact of President Trump Executive Order and Stop Work Order on our operations.
By addressing these needs, we can ensure that NAFOPHANU remains operational and effective in its mission.
Looking ahead, our key objectives include seeking meaningful partnerships to end AIDS by 2030, promote community-led health financing sustainability; mobilize for a permanent NAFOPHANU home; demonstrate accountability to our membership, donors, and government; and fostering resilience and wellness within our secretariat and the broader PLHIV movement. I am committed to working tirelessly to achieve these objectives and ensure that NAFOPHANU remains a strong and effective advocate for PLHIV and their families in Uganda.


National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Networks Uganda (NAFOPHANU)

What makes Us different

NAFOPHANU was established to provide a country-wide systematic and all-inclusive coordination structure for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) networks, associations and support groups in order to play advocacy, policy and decision making roles in the HIV&AIDS partnership.
It is legally registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau as a private company limited by guarantee (Reg. No. 80010003203080)

Capacity Building

We build capacity of district forums and national networks in areas of advocacy, resource mobilization, building partnerships, information sharing, research and documentation

PLHIV Empowerment

We provide PLHIV with knowledge and skills for improved access to and utilization of HIV services, Psychosocial Support, socio economic empowerment

Meaningful Involvement of PLHIV

We make sure that PLHIV are represented and participate in the HIV and other integrated responses at Global, National and decentralized levels


We use innovative advocacy strategies to efficiently disseminate HIV prevention messages across PLHIV communities, as well as reduce HIV stigma while promoting HIV prevention

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