PLHIV in 135 Districts
District Forums
National Networks
PLHIV Nationally
Million on Treatment

A Word from the Executive Director

On behalf of the NAFOPHANU family, thank you for visiting and welcome to our website. NAFOPHANU is founded on respect for human dignity, positive living, professionalism, integrity, teamwork and affirmative action and as we celebrate 21 years of existence in 2024, our vision of People living with HIV (PLHIV) able to live quality and productive life in a sustainable manner is slowly becoming a reality. PLHIV are activists, informed patients, care givers, educators, researchers, policy makers, health care providers and find solutions to their challenges. PLHIV are leaders in stopping HIV and show visionary leadership in implementing and supporting prevention, treatment and care and are part of epidemic control by 2030.

Since inception in 2003, NAFOPHANU has steadily grown as a Self-Coordinating Entity (SCE) under the coordination of Uganda AIDS Commission, established National Offices for the Secretariat, sub-granted resources to members and partners and successfully run multi donor, multimillion-dollar programs. We have championed the advocacy agenda for the PLHIV movement, undertaken various very impactful campaigns on stigma reduction and promotion of rights of PLHIV, developed very successful partnerships with both National and International stakeholders for improved HIV/AIDS service delivery and built capacity of its Secretariat and networks nationally.

However, NAFOPHANU needs your help. Since 2005, NAFOPHANU Secretariat has been housed by Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) but a change in Government policy has necessitated the need for NAFOPHANU to urgently relocate to our own offices before 2025. As part of our 20 years celebration, I would like to take the opportunity to launch a fundraising drive – NAFOPHANU@20 Fundraising Campaign which will see NAFOPHANU have a home that will not only house our Secretariat offices, but will also have a Wellness Center and an Information Hub that will serve PLHIV and those affected by HIV nationally.  

This is a huge undertaking for us, but we know that with the help of our partners from all over the world, we will be one step closer to achieving our dream of having our permanent home. NAFOPHANU is and will always remain true to its mission, vision and core values.

If you would like to contribute to this cause or help out in another way, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0200944448. Every donation or volunteer hour put in makes a difference and takes us one step closer to making our dream come true.

Merchant codes:

MTN *165*3#  596127

Airtel *185*9# 4366830

Let us build for today and tomorrow!

 Stella Kentutsi

(Uganda HIV Impact Award Winner (Individual) 2023)


National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Networks Uganda (NAFOPHANU)

What makes Us different

NAFOPHANU was established to provide a country-wide systematic and all-inclusive coordination structure for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) networks, associations and support groups in order to play advocacy, policy and decision making roles in the HIV&AIDS partnership.
It is legally registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau as a private company limited by guarantee (Reg. No. 80010003203080)

Capacity Building

We build capacity of district forums and national networks in areas of advocacy, resource mobilization, building partnerships, information sharing, research and documentation

PLHIV Empowerment

We provide PLHIV with knowledge and skills for improved access to and utilization of HIV services, Psychosocial Support, socio economic empowerment

Meaningful Involvement of PLHIV

We make sure that PLHIV are represented and participate in the HIV and other integrated responses at Global, National and decentralized levels


We use innovative advocacy strategies to efficiently disseminate HIV prevention messages across PLHIV communities, as well as reduce HIV stigma while promoting HIV prevention

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